Wednesday, October 3, 2007

D#6, HW#1, Reading Reflection

In Everything's an Argument chapter 4 is about basing your arguments on facts and reason, which is what we will be doing in our final research paper. The best kind of evidence for stating facts and reason is found in hard evidence, statistics, surveys, testimonies, and interviews. When there is not enough evidence to support your argument, you can also use reason and common sense. This chapter also talks about the logical structure of an argument. This chapter basically tells you what you need to include in your paper.

In chapter 16 it helps you understand what actually counts as evidence. Some evidence is found by researching things yourself, like observing, interviewing, surveying, personal experience, and conducting experiments. Im my paper I will conduct interviews and observe mostly, possible take surveys. You can also use charts and graphs for more of visual evidence. This chapter also goes into second-hand evidence such as the internet, book, catalogs, etc. When stating evidence you also need to consider the audience, and place your strongest evidence in the key places where it will be most effective.

Chapter 19 is about evaluating and using sources. It advices you to evaluate your sources thouroghly before considering using them. You should evaluate them for things like relevance, currency, and the audience it was intended for. This chapter talks about how to evaluate online sources, since a lot of times they are unreliable. It also teaches you how to use proper quotations, paraphrasing, summarizing, and using photographs in your paper.

1 comment:

laceyariz said...

You did a great job explaining the use of evidence. It should really help when you begin outlining the final paper. Documenting the evidence will show in your annotated bibliography, too.